
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to install LOCKPHISH v2.0

LOCKPHISH its the first tool for phishing attacks on the lock screen, designed to grab Windows credentials, Android PIN and iPhone Passcode using a https link. Features; Lockscreen phishing page for Windows, Android and iPhone Auto detect device Port Forwarding by Ngrok IP Tracker Legal Disclaimer; Usage of Lockphish for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. Its the end users responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Installation command; Update your Termux Application if necessary with pkg update && pkg upgrade git clone cd lockphish bash  Usage; Turn on your Hotspot to generate link and send to victim . Don't close terminal except you are done ⚠️ . victim will be redirected here. After tapping link this will pop up. Thanks For Reading. Follow me on; Facebook Tw

How to install ZPHISHER (Phishing Tool) on Termux

Command for installation  ; apt update apt install git php openssh curl -y git clone cd zphisher chmod +x bash Single Line Code : apt update && apt install git php curl openssh -y && git clone && cd zphisher chmod +x && bash How to use ; Turn on your Hotspot Select the website you want Send link to victim ⚠️ Don't close terminal except you are done. Credits  ;   htr-tech Thanks For Reading. Follow me on; Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Copyright ©️ Anonymous@kingbillhacker

Basic Termux Commands Part-2

Basic termux commands part 2, if you are beginner and haven't read about part 1 read it first. In this tutorial we are going to discuss about basic termux commands and use of that commands. 1. Command for update termux app Following commands are used for update termux app. Commands are different but work of each command are same pkg up or pkg update or apt update or apt-get update 2. How to use 'pkg' command in termux There are following uses of 'pkg' command in termux. (i) Install packages pkg install PackageName (ii) Reinstall packages at the latest version pkg reinstall PackageName (iii) Uninstall packages pkg uninstall PackageName (iv) Show all files in packages pkg files PackageName (v) Remove all outdated packages from .deb package cache pkg autoclean (vi) Remove all packages from .deb package cache pkg clean (vii) List all packages available in repository pkg list-all (viii) Upgrade all installed packages to latest version pkg upgrade 3. Commands for clone gi

Basic Termux Commands Part-1

Termux is one type of linux, so most of commands are same in termux and linux. Let's see basic temrux commands one by one. 1. Command for show list of files in directory. $ ls ls = list of files or folders. This command will shows you list of available files and folders in your directory. $ ls -a If you type 'hyphen a' after 'ls' command it will shows list of hidden files in your directory. 2. Command for change directory. $ cd cd = change directory. This command is useful for change directory in your termux or go into particular directory in termux. For use 'cd' command you must have to specify name of directory after 'cd'. eg : If you want to go into 'storage' directory you have to type command, $ cd storage For go to home directory of termux you have to type '$HOME' after 'cd' command $ cd $HOME 3. Command for print current working directory. $ pwd pwd = print working directory. This command is useful for find address of yo